Sitting With Pain

One of the most important things you will do as a human is sit with yourself and be with your pain.  This does not mean staying there, but it does mean acknowledging it for what it is and what it may have driven you do in the past.  It is time to stop running, self-medicating against and hiding from it.  Just like any other facet of your existence, it deserves to be recognized and honored before being released.  You owe this to yourself… is time…..let us begin, My child. ~ Creator

19 thoughts on “Sitting With Pain

  1. […] One of the most important things you will do as a human is sit with yourself and be with your pain.  This does not mean staying there, but it does mean acknowledging it for what it is and what it may have driven you do in… Sitting With Pain. […]

  2. Such beautiful and wise advice. I often forget this and try to move myself through it and out the other side before it’s time. Great reminder 🙂 Sharon

  3. Shengwen says:

    No matter pains or joys, be alone, to look at what it is and recognize what I am.
    It may be cruel to face oneself , but it really helps.
    No pain, no growth , it’s life anyway.
    In Father’s love . ❤

  4. Wang says:

    When faced with any difficulty of life, resolve it by following these four steps:
    face it, accept it, deal with it, and then let it go.
    当你面对生命中的困顿, 用四个步骤来化解它:

    –Master Sheng Yen, Buddhist monk 圣严法师, 佛教僧侣

  5. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    So pertinent to my experience today, especially.

  6. Wang says:

    I love the man that can smile in trouble,
    that can gather strength from distress,
    and grow brave by reflection.

    – Thomas Paine, Statesman汤玛斯‧潘恩 ,政治家

  7. Wang says:

    这并不是说你要停留在那儿, 而是要承认它–它是甚么,它曾经让你做了甚么.
    是时候了…让我们开始吧, 我的孩子. ~ 造物主

  8. Wang says:

    The most beautiful people we have known are those
    who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle,
    known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
    These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity,
    and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.
    Beautiful people do not just happen.

    –– Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Psychiatrist
    伊莉莎白‧库伯勒-罗斯 ,精神科医师

  9. […] – The Creator Writings Tradução – Vilma Capuano […]

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