Create A New Story…

What are you holding onto? What past thoughts, actions or emotions do you re-live again and again? Your brain has stored every single experience within its gentle, unassuming folds and you have access to that information 24/7. Now, dearest one, this is where free-will comes into play. You can choose to focus on the positive or negative…consciously aware that, when bringing up any particular file, you are also creating your reality now. Today, you are being invited to create a new story, a different script, a lighter and brighter future for yourself. You have done the work; you are worthy and deserving of it. ~ Creator


4 thoughts on “Create A New Story…

  1. Freyja says:

    Thank you 💜

  2. gratzite says:

    As I see the changes in my long life, I like to blog on the situation which is transitory for the New Age, which will form over the next few generations.

  3. Peggy says:


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