Making Great Strides

Between now and the end of the year, many interesting things will be presented to you. As your Earth plane continues changing in drastic ways…things you feel you know may be challenged and, quite frankly, may include some very painful lessons and realizations. Your first reaction may be one of indignation, feeling wounded or being angry; these are perfectly acceptable. You are being invited, in a very real way, to look at exactly what you are responsible for in these instances. It can also be a very stark reminder that these particular moments are exactly what you have been asking for even though they have arrived in a very unexpected way. The Universe is asking to you take the time to examine them so they can be safely released with Unconditional Love. Use these experiences in a constructive way and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are making great strides forward. ~ Creator


4 thoughts on “Making Great Strides

  1. gratzite says:

    All is a manifest of a New Age starting 8th. July 1964 during which the upheavals on the surface are being modified by metaphysical operations, recorded in the works and life of Dr.George King (1919-1997) who was born at the right time for communication and cooperation with Adepts of Venus and Mars.

  2. Peggy says:


  3. Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira says:

    [heart] Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira reacted to your message: ________________________________

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