Just Ahead

Over the next few weeks, there will be situations attempting to draw you away from your path.  Old emotions and uncomfortable feelings may come up in response to other’s actions.  Do not be dismayed by this, dear one!  Just like any other learning you have been experiencing, it is being presented as a way to continue to teach (and show) you exactly how far you have come.  Yes, it may be one of the most challenging things you have had to experience thus far but, rest assured in the knowledge that you can move through it safely and comfortably.  A bright and shining outcome is just ahead…keep moving forward! ~ Creator


6 thoughts on “Just Ahead

  1. As the old saying goes.. you’re reading my mail. 🌻🐝💛🌟

  2. I’m curious, this was posted in 2018 and again today. So…not much has changed in five years? Or are we endlessly to experience the same emotions and keep waiting for a big shift? I’m curious about all that I’ve been reading in regards to this “big shift” that many seem to be talking about.

  3. Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira says:

    [heart] Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira reacted to your message: ________________________________

  4. Peggy says:


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