It Sits Beside You

You have been carrying that around with you for a long time, dearest one! Is it getting heavy, cumbersome, hard to deal with? Wherever you go, you bring it with you. It sits beside you full of secrets, the things that supposedly keep you safe, as well as your pains, disappointments and regrets. If something goes wrong you open it up and add yet another thing, making it even heavier.

What if, just…what…if you left it right where it is and walked away. That huge bag would most likely sit in the lost and found, not claimed, not cared about and certainly never picked up again. How would that feel?! You have this ability; it is available to you every moment of every day. When are you going to be ready to let it go? ~ Creator


5 thoughts on “It Sits Beside You

  1. Christopher Schneider says:

    It’s Gone with the wind, Peac3 to All!

  2. Gayle Maynard says:


  3. Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira says:

    [like] Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira reacted to your message: ________________________________

  4. Narcis says:

    This is my dad

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