Your Most Authentic Self

A gentle reminder; you are exactly where you need to be in this particular moment. This phase of the shift is all about learning to be yourself without fear. Souls may be sent to show you, or experiences may come that will encourage you in establishing boundaries and maintaining them. Although some of them may be challenging, The Universe is always there to guide and support you. As you move into becoming your most authentic self, changes will need to be made. Do not shy away from them, my powerful child! Embrace them knowing you always be better than you were the day before. ~ Creator


5 thoughts on “Your Most Authentic Self

  1. Fevziye says:

    Jennifer Hi; I am always very grateful for all the messages you are receiving and sharing and they enlighten my days. But today’s message somehow felt like I am heard. Among all my European and American friends only three reached out to ask whether we are ok. The very devastating earthquake in southeast of Turkey is so challenging for the rest of us Turks who were not affected. The energies are so very heavy; still some of us are reminding each other and ourselves to come back to our center, be in our own space, put our boundaries and be the Light, the balance, the compassion, the Love, knowing that we are in a huge Shift and these (and I’m sure more) were/are expected. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you again.

  2. Peggy says:

    Just pray for Turks.🙏

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