The Power To Change

Even though you may not be physically experiencing it, there are a multitude of changes going on in your world.  These changes are given life by you!  What you think, how you feel, and your actions define your Earth plane.  Today, be consciously aware of what you show The Universe and those around you.  If you do not like what you see, it is within your power to change it!  It is time to begin, dear one! ~ Creator

6 thoughts on “The Power To Change

  1. Reblogged this on hartbridge and commented:
    UNITED with others such as children & Twin Flames & like-minded groups we multiply our powers to create change!!!

  2. angelesdecrystal says:

    Reblogged this on Mensajes Galácticos.

  3. Peggy says:

    Strength starts from your thoughts.
    “Yes, I can.” always gives me power.

  4. DiosRaw says:

    Relogged on @diosraw

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