
The Universe is gently reminding you to step back at look at the infinite picture.  Perspective is and will be very important in the coming weeks/months.  Even though you may not fully understand its implications, it affects every part of your life.  Coming from a place of fear generates a world where everything is dangerous, scary and out of control.  Coming from a place of love will generate peace, joy and a natural order.  You have always been given a choice to shape your world as you see fit, darling one.  What are you choosing today? ~ Creator

9 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. Carolyn Lanier Roberts says:

    Yesssss. Thank You and Blessings❤❤❤❤

  2. Promise Nomonde Mafuya says:

    I Choose Love 💕

  3. Peggy says:

    ☑ ☮ ❤ ^‿^

  4. Towanda Allen says:

    I choose PEACE and all well! Great reminder, thank you so much and everyone have a blessed & safe weekend! 🙌🙌🙌🙌

  5. TeeLight says:

    Thank you.
    To change my life, I had to change my mind, then life changed.
    For nearly 50 years, I saw life very negative, very win/lose, right/wrong, dark/light, male/female. That is what I got.
    I found, gratitude, Earth based healing and health, a new win/win perspective on the world.
    In three short years, miracles have happened and my life is becoming everything I dreamed it could be.
    I still face challenges, tests, I live with humans, but everything is always working out for me.
    Love for the fearful, love for the courageous, love for the virus and all those suffering in everyway.
    Thank you for inspiring me this early Monday morning as I face a day of challenges. I really needed it!

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