The Space To Feel

Hang on, dearest one, just hang on.  The moments of indecision, being uncomfortable and ‘not feeling it’ will pass.  With every surge of new growth, there may be a stage of dissonance; know that it is perfectly acceptable and normal.  The most constructive thing you can do is recognize it for what it is and release.  Extend this understanding to those around you, knowing they are most likely experiencing the same thing and it will pass.  Allow yourself the space to feel…you will be back to your bright and shining self in no time. ~ Creator

7 thoughts on “The Space To Feel

  1. […] via The Space To Feel […]

  2. Şebnem says:

    Thank you Creator ✨I’m hanging here🤗

  3. Peggy says:

    I’ll find my next space of joy. ^_^

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