Tearing Down To Build

My darling child, when you begin changing on the inside, the outside will begin to change as well.  It may feel as if the world is coming down around your ears, that you are losing every ‘touchstone’ that ever mattered to you and you may want to blame everything and everyone.  What is really going on?  The Universe is assisting you in creating something amazing, new and splendid!  Yes, there will be bumps in the road and it may not be an easy process but, once you begin the path becomes easier to walk and it will become lighter and brighter.  Allow yourself to be shown the end result and know that things are changing for the better. ~ Creator 

9 thoughts on “Tearing Down To Build

  1. napkinwriter says:

    The last few weeks you have spoken enlightenment and support right where I am in my life journey. It is like a direct download from you to me in this moment of time. Thank you.

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