Continue On…

It can be very easy taking the path of least resistance and going along with what others are doing/saying/thinking.  But, is that really what you came to your Earth to do? (Smiling) Standing in your truth, speaking from your heart, being honest and practicing integrity can be challenging.  It can be disheartening to look around and see people gaining when it feels as if you are standing still.  It may be ‘slow going’ in this moment but, as the world shifts, the rewards of your way of being are coming.  Continue walking your path with your head held high, knowing that when you arrive, you will be surrounded by those of like mind and heart. ~ Creator

6 thoughts on “Continue On…

  1. Peggy says:

  2. reftbp says:

    Very encouraging post, love the theme “Continue”, because that’s exactly what we must do to connect to the real of ourselves. Thank you for writing and sharing.

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