What To Do?

During this shift, there are going to be times when staying quiet is the best option.  You may see others ‘playing the game’ of bully/victim and it may be very disturbing to you.  Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to say something but, the hint may or may not be taken.  You have your boundaries, they have theirs and they may not coincide.  They will continue to play regardless because it is safe for them.  What are you to do then?  Be there for them!  Show them you support them as a person, express your desire for them to be whole and happy and be an ear, within reason.  Until they are ready to step out and away from the emotional dynamic there is not much you can do.  The Universe is being very clear when it says this is not condoning the behavior…it does want you to be the light they look to when they are ready and in a time of need.  Everyone must walk their own path and, when they choose to change direction, they will. ~ Creator

7 thoughts on “What To Do?

  1. nickynickster says:

    How perfect! “Being does not mean no action, but rather that the action that you take throughout the day is based on your true essence and allowing that to take the lead.”

    That is perhaps the hardest thing, to let go, stop putting oneself above it all, stop showing from the personal viewpoint and start embracing our rightful place in the continuum of life on Earth. This is what I’m happy to experience, form the thinking center to the living center 🙂

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