Think, Create, Act

Reflections and ripples of other lives flow into yours, they are not yours. You do not exist in the same world as an investment banker, a crop-duster or a mother in India.  Yet some of you choose to take on the beliefs of everyone else because it is safer, more comfortable and there is less self-responsibility involved.  If you are focusing on others, there is never a reason to focus on yourself and your own inner work.   What you are doing and how you are living is no one else’s “fault”.  You think, you create, you provide action….own it! ~ Creator

9 thoughts on “Think, Create, Act

  1. Bruce Morris says:

    it been say to wait for how long our patience must be there is no honesty in our leader in government or the states we are spirit warriors,why not stand up for justice and what is right for humankind there is time for love but also time hrad love too. of justics,peace.

  2. Bruce Morris says:

    there a season for all thing,peace love or hard love.

  3. […] Source: Think, Create, Act […]

  4. Wang says:

    Believe what you believe.
    Follow your heart.

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