17 thoughts on “Wait….

  1. Reblogged this on hartbridge and commented:
    Divine right timing, intelligence, wisdom & LOVE for YOU

  2. Purplewenny says:

    Oh,very interesting! So, no answer is also an answer.
    Thank You Father.☺

  3. Bruce Morris says:

    thank you mother/father GOD it best wait on the universe,it will come in it own time the answer.peace and love of the light.

  4. […] – The Creator Writings Tradução – Vilma Capuano […]

  5. Needed that answer! The photo is meaningful for the issue I am dealing with today.

  6. Wang says:

    Waiting for an answer to prayer is often part of the answer.

  7. Bruce Morris says:

    wait on the universe it will come just believe it it will come your answer.

  8. Lisa C says:

    Very wise. Love that photo too. Gotta love cats 😊

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