10 thoughts on “R*E*S*P*E*C*T

  1. Reblogged this on Sirian Heaven and commented:
    The first, and best way, to show respect for others is to show respect for yourself. ~ Creator

  2. […] – The Creator Writings Tradução – Vilma Capuano […]

  3. Peggy says:

    Top definition of self- respect in the Urban Dictionary:

    ” It means proud of who you are, even with the mistakes you made in the past.
    To overcome and oppress those who bring you down.
    Whatever hurts you only makes you stronger.
    It’s to think that you are a good person, but not to the point of arrogance or narcissism.
    You don’t have to be the smartest kid in your class,you don’t have to make a million dollars a year and you don’t have to be popular to have self esteem and self respect.”

    ❤ ourselves

  4. Wang says:

    The opinion which other people have of you is their problem, not yours.
    其他人对你有意见 ,那是他们的问题, 不是你的.

    – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Psychiatrist (1926-2004)
    伊丽莎白‧库伯勒-罗斯, 精神科医师

  5. Wang says:

    这是最好的表达方式. ~造物主

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