Love Your Choices

Your life always has and will always be filled with choices.  You choose when to celebrate, when to mourn, when to start living and, yes, even when it’s time to leave your Earth plane.  The one thing you must remember, my beautiful and beloved child, is to not find fault in other’s choices.  Just as you are given the gift of free will, the people you look at today are also given the same inherent right.  Good or bad, love your choices because they are one of the only things you truly own on your journey. ~ Creator

12 thoughts on “Love Your Choices

  1. Reblogged this on Spiritual Warrior Path and commented:
    Your life always has and will always be filled with choices. You choose when to celebrate, when to mourn, when to start living and, yes, even when it’s time to leave your Earth plane. The one thing you must remember, my beautiful and beloved child, is to not find fault in other’s choices. Just as you are given the gift of free will, the people you look at today are also given the same inherent right. Good or bad, love your choices because they are one of the only things you truly own on your journey. ~ Creator

  2. Owen says:

    In the figure , the little angel says a loving heart.
    what does the little devil say? I cannot figure out what it is.

  3. Purplewenny says:

    We can never understand why we chose to come to the Earth plane until we finish our journey here.
    What we are going to experience and learn is always a marvel.
    We can just accept and love our choices .
    That’s the only choice. ❤

  4. Weiwei says:

    When we do not like other people’s choice , maybe we can just give some opinions.
    Trying to help is our choice.
    Accepting or denying is other people’s choice .

  5. Weiwei says:

    We can often do more for other men
    by trying to correct our own faults than by trying to correct theirs.


    – Francois Fenelon, Theologian弗朗索瓦‧芬乃伦 ,神学家

  6. […] – The Creator Writings Tradução – Vilma Capuano […]

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