12 thoughts on “Have Fun!

  1. […] – The Creator Writings Tradução – Vilma Capuano […]

  2. Millerma says:

    When you understand that you came to earth to perform a stage play,
    and you are the main actor / actress in your drama,
    you just cannot help laughing .
    Play a good game,like a happy and busy little bee,
    and have fun !

  3. Boudichung says:

    Life is like running a marathon which can be challenging and
    but you may take a rest at times, enjoy the sights along the way,and make a lot of friends.
    You can run slowly without getting the championship, see it as a game and have fun.

  4. Osiearth says:

    Reblogged this on http://cafe.daum.net/sk6

  5. Wang says:

    Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak.
    Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor,
    and your picture begins to lighten up.

    – Allen Klein, Author艾伦‧克莱恩 ,作家

  6. Wang says:

    当你在这儿,记得要开开心心地做人 !
    但它也是爱, 欢乐, 和真理的体验.
    好好学习并且快乐地去完成它 !~ 造物主

  7. Wang says:

    It’s great to arrive, but the trip’s most always most of the fun.

    – Malcolm Forbes, Publisher 迈尔康‧富比士, 杂志发行人

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