I Am Proud Of You


My darling child; I know that wave after wave of change has washed over you and, yes, more is coming. I know that “tired”, “irritable” or “cranky” may be the order of the day for you. Whether you are experiencing these things or not, The Universe asks that you be gentle with yourself and be gentle with others. Each of you is going through the changes the best you can and that’s all you can do in this moment. If you reach a point of overwhelm, remind yourself of this; I AM PROUD OF YOU! You are beautiful…..you are wanted…..you are my precious gift. All that is going on now will be worth it in the end. ~ Creator 

11 thoughts on “I Am Proud Of You

  1. Hat dies auf Sirian Heaven rebloggt und kommentierte:
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  2. Roseann T. Kriebel says:

    I really appreciate your words. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for these words of inspiration.

  4. nienke says:

    Thank you ❤

  5. istarael says:

    I am proud of everyone too! 🙂

  6. valentina says:

    Thank you so much…

  7. Luz Lima says:

    I Needed to say something to my son, and this was perfect even that picture looks like is him, thank you for this message.

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