Magic Happens!

Magic is not an ethereal concept you learned about in fairy tales; miracles do not always happen to ‘someone else’.  It is time to start realizing that YOU are the source of these wonderful moments!  Create with joy and revel in the anticipation of their arrival! ~ Creator

8 thoughts on “Magic Happens!

  1. Reblogged this on Spiritual Warrior Path and commented:
    Creator Writings..

  2. Nederlandse vertaling: Magie gebeurt!
    Magie is geen vluchtig begrip waarover je leerde in sprookjes.
    Mirakels overkomen niet altijd ‘iemand anders’.
    Het is tijd om je er bewust van te worden dat JIJ de bron van deze wonderlijke momenten bent!
    Schep met vreugde en verkneukel je in het vooruitzicht van hun aankomst! Schepper

  3. Lady Sabrina says:

    I Believe in Magic, the more you believe in Magic that you are creating magical moments the more magic is drawn to you. It has to do with Positivity and Lightness.

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