The Beauty Of Perfect

The timing the place, the situation or the people around you may not be perfect, but you are! There is a great beauty in these moments and The Universe always guides you to situations where you are needed most and will learn the best. Have faith and trust that all will be well in Divine Timing. ~ Creator

11 thoughts on “The Beauty Of Perfect

  1. Reblogged this on Spiritual Warrior Path and commented:
    Creator Writings..

  2. Hi dear . How are you??
    Do you mean that these are the words of the creator?
    How come that human are perfect when they do a lot of mistakes?

    • Yes, these are Creator’s words. You are perfect in your imperfections. ❤

    • sojames4 says:

      If I can afford an attempt of reply, it could be important to understand the difference between what the human being do and the same human being is.
      And if his level of awareness about that matter.

      • Hi Sojames!
        but how come a human is perfect and he/she is doing mistakes??
        i agree with your sentence “understand the difference between what the human being do and the same human being is.”
        and how can the creator say “The Universe always guides you to situations…. ” why He didn’t say ” the creator always guides”??
        if he is the God why would he need a helper. He supposes to be superior.

        sorry for asking a lot of questions. It is a little bit confusing !

        have light, joy and happiness.

  3. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    Divine Timing is real.

  4. Pocahontas says:

    Thank you. I am currently in a new environment and today I questioned more than once if I will be able to endure said environment at this time in my life. This is due to necessity, timing, place, and character(s) involved. Needless to say, I have been more emotional the last few weeks while trying desperately to wrap my head and heart around my current situation.

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