

On transparency; this may be the easiest thing you have ever done but, oftentimes, ends up being the most challenging.  Standing in your truth and letting others ‘see’ you for who you are takes a great deal of strength.  On the days where you

do not feel totally up to the challenge it is OK to remain quiet and peaceful, riding the waves as they come.  Always remember, you are loved and appreciated for your courage in being one of the few that step forth first. ~ Creator

12 thoughts on “Transparency

  1. Ascension Angel says:

    Reblogged this on Ascension Angels and commented:
    Thank you Creator through Jennifer 🙂

  2. crazyauntcyn says:

    This is the second time today that transparent/ency has been sent my way. I am paying attention!

  3. Nederlandse vertaling:
    Over transparantie: dit kan het gemakkelijkste zijn wat je ooit gedaan hebt, maar eindigt toch dikwijls met het meest uitdagende te zijn. In je waarheid staan en je aan anderen tonen zoals je bent vraagt enorm veel kracht. Op dagen dat je je niet helemaal opgewassen voelt tegen de uitdaging, mag je gerust rustig en kalm blijven, meegolvend met de stroming. Maar hou dit altijd in gedachten: je wordt bemind en gewaardeerd voor je moed om als een van de weinigen als eerste naar voren te treden. Schepper.

  4. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    Speak your Truth with ❤

  5. I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog, as well as this particular post. How very, very true it is – it’s quite the challenge, one I struggle with at time, but I’m a work in progress and learning each day. 🙂

      • I am what? LOL hehe (other than a WP noob who’s feeling the pangs of loneliness on a new blog site, wishing I had more people reading my blogs – wishing fre users could find a way to get their page seen without someone having to actually come to their bog and click on them (no category or tags for free user pages only posts) … and other than obsessing trying to learn WP and get my blog/site looking and feeling like I’d like it too – with much more content – what is it you’re saying I am? hahaha.

      • You are a work in progress and learning every day. 🙂

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