13 thoughts on “The Natural Order

  1. Jacqueline Peterson says:

    Thank you …happy. Happy. Day. Love Jacqueline

  2. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    “People, places and things will flow in and out of your life. It is the natural order of your Earth-plane existence. The Universe will always provide what is in your highest and best during whatever moment you are in.” ~ Creator

  3. ezoterika1 says:

    Reblogged this on uran59.

  4. Linda Calvert says:

    I believe this with my heart an soul!”

  5. Kathy Lee says:

    Reblogged this on Tigerlily's Garden.

  6. Tara says:

    Reblogged this on by divine-design and commented:
    And so it is….

  7. And if you don’t control your emotions, or decide what they should be (as mentioned in an earlier comment to one of your other posts, isn’t possible that you could just be pushing away someone, or something, that the universe is putting in your path for that moment? That’s a question, not a statement – and I’m brand new to WP, I don’t have a clue as to how I will know if you respond to me or not *sigh*.

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