


You are not separate as you think. The interconnectedness of everything is all around you. The stalk of wheat does not grow in a solitary fashion; undulating in the breeze with its brothers and sisters against the sky, it is fed by water falling from the skies and the Earth in which it grows. If any one element goes missing, it fails to mature. So should you view your Earth-plane existence and everything that occurs in it. ~ Creator

10 thoughts on “Interconnectedness

  1. […] Click here to read the message. […]

  2. Phoenix says:

    This reminds me of the network of fascia in the body. Fascia is around each muscle fiber, each muscle, each muscle group, and exists as a web of connectivity that when properly hydrated, allows for fluid movement and optimum function of muscles, joints, arteries,veins, etc….it is all interconnected~! WE ARE THE WEB OF LIFE!

  3. Maggie Warne says:

    Thank you

  4. dawnofdivinerays says:

    Reblogged this on Dawn of Divine Rays.

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