Relieving Pain

Others may be inclined to carry preconceived notions, judge or hurt you because they have been subjected to the same behavior. Take some time, get over the ‘shock value’ of it all and see it for what is really is; someone attempting to relieve their own pain. This does not make them any less lovable….if anything; they need your love more than ever. ~ Creator

6 thoughts on “Relieving Pain

    • Yo Soy Ráhuton Ben Rhá says:

      Si, ya lo creo que hay que tomarse mas tiempo para entender, recordar y amar para así integrar el aprendizaje terminando con los incidentes.

  1. heartlightdg says:

    Reblogged this on Life Heart and Soul and commented:
    Twice, unexpectedly this week, I was on the receiving end of misjudgements…not fun. I needed some extra time to understand, remember to love, and to integrate the learning I ended up with from the incidents. They did have a “shock value” in that I am reminded to emanate differently so I don’t draw that to me anymore!

  2. Yo Soy Ráhuton Ben Rhá says:

    Ya lo creo que mi hermana humanidad necesita de mucho Amor para así mismo, alivie su dolor de la realidad en que se encuentra.

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