
Another gentle reminder; you are in preparation for some intense incoming energy and it will be best to stay as grounded as possible. The Universe is respectfully asking you to be patient, to roll with the changes, maintain healthy boundaries because as you move closer to the massive wave of change coming your way, issues you thought had been resolved are reappearing. Do not be dismayed by this, my dearest child!

The Universe is working with you to excavate the darkest parts, clearing out what no longer serves and helping you move toward the ultimate goal of being you in your purest form. Any frustration you feel is only temporary…you are on your truest path and The Universe is right beside you. ~ Creator


5 thoughts on “Preparation

  1. Peggy says:


  2. Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira says:

    [like] Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira reacted to your message: ________________________________

  3. How did I miss this one yesterday?! Holy crap has this turned out to be true!

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