You Deserve!

Dearest one, why do you keep looking outside yourself for completion? There is always something to distract, to avoid and to keep you occupied so you do not have to look at the tough stuff. Can you see it? Do you understand it only benefits those around you?

During this phase of the shift, you are once again being asked to bring up some of your deepest and darkest pains to be examined in the light. Yes, it’s uncomfortable…maybe even torturous to some but, it is being done for a reason! Before you move on, you need to be as clear as you possibly can. In a perfect scenario, you could do it all at once and be done with it, however, that is not how this works. Like the layers of an onion, it can sometimes be slow and tedious work. It may even produce a few tears. But, when it is all said and done, the benefits will always far outweigh the effort you put into it. You deserve to release! You are worthy of it! You can and will be a better person because of it and The Universe will always be there to assist you if needed. ~ Creator


4 thoughts on “You Deserve!

  1. […] Posted on August 5, 2023 by Sirian Heaven You Deserve! […]

  2. Peggy says:


  3. Roger Luiz Nascimento Oliveira says:

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